Weight Loss: Even after trying a million times, your weight is not reducing, know what mistake you are making

Weight Loss: Even after trying a million times, your weight is not reducing, know what mistake you are making

If you are eating healthy food and exercising but are not losing weight, there may be a reason for it. Even if your body’s immunity is not working properly, the body does not lose weight quickly. If you are trying to lose weight, you can lose a lot of weight initially without much effort. However, after some time weight loss may slow down or stop completely.

1. You are losing weight without knowing

If you feel that you have stagnated in the process of weight loss, then you should not worry now. It is very common that your weight does not increase for several days (or weeks). This does not mean that you are not losing fat.

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You can gain muscle and lose fat at the same time, especially if you have recently started exercising and are eating a high-protein diet. Instead of relying only on the scale, it is better to measure your waist circumference and body fat once a month.

2. You are eating too much

Many people who have trouble losing weight are eating too many calories. This can happen for many reasons.

Not keeping track of what you eat

Research shows that keeping track of your food helps in weight loss. People who track their calories in a food diary or regularly take pictures of their food. They lose more weight than those who do not do this. Keeping track of food can help in reducing the intake of food. People who are also aware of the side effects of eating too much, for whom counting calories and keeping track of food intake can increase potentially harmful side effects.

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Overeating involves eating large amounts of food very quickly, often much more than your body needs. Even if you are overeating on relatively healthy foods like nuts or dark chocolate, it can still prevent you from losing weight. Many people overeat occasionally, which can contribute to weight gain. If you are overeating repeatedly for a long time, you should definitely see a doctor once.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. You must consult the concerned expert before implementing any suggestion.

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